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When it comes to innovation, complexity kills; it is the ease of use that is crucial to successful tech adoption. With the McKinsey Global Institute estimating that 25%-45% of new products fail — other commentators have the figure much higher, at 60-80% — it is critical that solutions developed to address advertising’s challenges around trust, legislation and privacy have the end-user in mind. And if data clean rooms want to become advertising’s savior, success lies in simplicity.

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Amongst the mass of privacy-first targeting and measurement solutions which have been vying for attention over the past two years, data clean rooms have stood out as some of the most promising.

Clean rooms allow multiple parties to combine, match, and activate based on their first-party data sets, without any of those parties getting a look at anyone else’s data. They offer a genuinely different way of using data in advertising; there’s debate over how many ‘post-cookie’ solutions will survive the coming wave of privacy regulation, but data clean rooms seem to truly live up to their privacy-first rhetoric.

To read the remainder of this article please visit Video Week's web site.

As part of its clean room services and FuturesLab investment strategy, Environics Analytics (EA) today announced a partnership with Montreal-based, Optable, a SaaS data collaboration platform and clean room solution designed for the advertising ecosystem. EA will integrate Optable’s technology into EA’s existing EAVault clean room, providing clients with expanded options for secure data matching, data collaboration, audience enhancement and advanced advertising.

To read the remainder of this press release, please click here.

Any advertiser can get the VIP treatment; it’s all about making the best use of publishers' investment in first-party data strategies, explains Vlad Stesin, Chief Strategy Officer at Optable…

Sometimes it feels like we’re caught in a loop: it’s 2022 and we’re still talking about the imminent demise of cookies and other personal identifiers. And here’s something else that never changes: any campaign is better off when it starts with real data.

Forward-looking publishers understand this, which is why data clean rooms are rapidly gaining currency. Because smart people understand, too, that the data clean room approach is not just about dispensing with cookies and mobile identifiers – it’s about creating media opportunities that are rooted in quality first-party data.

So as publishers invest in first-party data strategies and attempt to ensure their end-users have the proper privacy-oriented experience, the ways that we make audience data available to brands also need to change.

The data clean room approach ushers in a whole slate of new ways to do just that, allowing publishers to amplify the value of first-party data and making it actionable for brands. It allows advertisers to feel the wealth again, after years of fearing that their data-driven marketing practices were destined for ruin.

But what does this new data wealth feel like in practice? Here are our four steps to creating a VIP advertiser experience...

To read the remainder of this article please visit the Performance Marketing World website.

“The exciting next generation of ad products is not about formats — it’s about using audience data in a compliant, privacy-preserving manner. Ultimately, any personalised online experience, including advertising and ecommerce, will create better outcomes when these experiences are rooted in real customer data,” says Vlad Stesin, Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of Optable.

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With the third-party cookie going away, advertisers, publishers, platforms and ad tech firms are looking for a new means of applying data to target ads to people and measure how those ads performed. And the data clean room has become among the most attractive options.

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Bosko Milekic, co-founder of Optable, joins Dr. Paul Farrow and Alex Cone on the Key Values podcast to discuss new data collaboration tools everyone is calling clean rooms. What's all the fuss about?

The erosion of third-party cookies and the fragmentation of identity have compelled publishers to invest in reviewing and rebuilding their first-party data strategies. As a result, there is now a tremendous amount of quality first-party data that can be safely surfaced to brands.

To read the remainder of this article please visit Ad Exchanger.

Gartner recently predicted that by 2023, 80% of advertisers with media budgets of $1 billion+ will be using data clean rooms. Inevitably, there’s excitement around these platforms, but also misconceptions. So let’s address three myths I often hear, and set the record straight.

To read the remainder of this article please visit The Drum.

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