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New Digital Age: Three capabilities your data clean room should provide

January 24, 2023
James Prudhomme

New Digital Age: Three capabilities your data clean room should provide

January 24, 2023
James Prudhomme

New Digital Age: Three capabilities your data clean room should provide

January 24, 2023
James Prudhomme

In 2023, as the sunsetting of the cookie inches closer, marketers are having to face the facts: if they don’t make changes to their targeting strategies and adopt more privacy-compliant measures, they’ll be left behind.

Contextual targeting, first-party IDs, optimising creative – these are all valid solutions. But the emergence of data clean rooms and data collaboration platforms is bringing another layer of data quality and reliability to the table.

With up to four-fifths (80%) of advertisers expected to use data clean rooms in 2023, they are clearly making waves in the industry. But why?

The answer lies in second-party data capabilities. Publishers and advertisers can make their marketing go further if they augment their existing first-party data with second-party data. Combine that with the fact that such platforms are 100% privacy-compliant and don’t share any user-level data with any of the parties involved, and it’s easy to see why data collaboration platforms have become so popular.

However, with so many different platforms on the market, it can be tricky to decide which one to partner with. Let’s take a closer look at the three main features you should look out for...

In order to read the remainder of this article please visit the New Digital Age website.