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Video Week: Clean Rooms are Starting to Tackle their Interoperability Problem

July 18, 2022
Optable Marketing Staff

Video Week: Clean Rooms are Starting to Tackle their Interoperability Problem

July 18, 2022
Optable Marketing Staff

Video Week: Clean Rooms are Starting to Tackle their Interoperability Problem

July 18, 2022
Optable Marketing Staff

Amongst the mass of privacy-first targeting and measurement solutions which have been vying for attention over the past two years, data clean rooms have stood out as some of the most promising.

Clean rooms allow multiple parties to combine, match, and activate based on their first-party data sets, without any of those parties getting a look at anyone else’s data. They offer a genuinely different way of using data in advertising; there’s debate over how many ‘post-cookie’ solutions will survive the coming wave of privacy regulation, but data clean rooms seem to truly live up to their privacy-first rhetoric.

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