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How to use clean rooms to create a VIP data experience

July 6, 2022
Vlad Stesin

How to use clean rooms to create a VIP data experience

July 6, 2022
Vlad Stesin

How to use clean rooms to create a VIP data experience

July 6, 2022
Vlad Stesin

Any advertiser can get the VIP treatment; it’s all about making the best use of publishers' investment in first-party data strategies, explains Vlad Stesin, Chief Strategy Officer at Optable…

Sometimes it feels like we’re caught in a loop: it’s 2022 and we’re still talking about the imminent demise of cookies and other personal identifiers. And here’s something else that never changes: any campaign is better off when it starts with real data.

Forward-looking publishers understand this, which is why data clean rooms are rapidly gaining currency. Because smart people understand, too, that the data clean room approach is not just about dispensing with cookies and mobile identifiers – it’s about creating media opportunities that are rooted in quality first-party data.

So as publishers invest in first-party data strategies and attempt to ensure their end-users have the proper privacy-oriented experience, the ways that we make audience data available to brands also need to change.

The data clean room approach ushers in a whole slate of new ways to do just that, allowing publishers to amplify the value of first-party data and making it actionable for brands. It allows advertisers to feel the wealth again, after years of fearing that their data-driven marketing practices were destined for ruin.

But what does this new data wealth feel like in practice? Here are our four steps to creating a VIP advertiser experience...

To read the remainder of this article please visit the Performance Marketing World website.